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Property Value
The Concertgebouw is located on ’t Zand in Bruges. The entrance path via the square in front of the building is sufficiently wide and flat. There are various entrances to the building. All doors are sufficiently wide, but heavy to open. Access to the Concertgebouw is clearly marked. In the multifunctional entrance hall, there is a limited counter accessible for the wheelchair user. The cafeteria, sanitary facilities and (via lift, staircase and inclined surface) Foyer Parterre can be reached via the entrance hall. The sanitary facilities at the cloakroom are good to use except with regard to a few small bottlenecks. The Foyer Parterre is easily accessible via the lifts, the inclined surface is too long and too steep to comfortably overcome on your own . The seats accessible for the wheelchair user in the concert hall are located at the level of the Foyer Parterre. The doors to the room are narrow and heavy, assistance may be needed. Adapted sanitary facilities are also provided at the level of the Foyer Parterre and at the level of the Balcony, but the adapted toilets are small and the installation of the sanitary appliances hinders the moving space. The Chamber Music Hall and upstairs rooms are also accessible via a private entrance and lift. The adapted toilets in this part of the building are easily accessible. The artists’ access is via a series of narrow double doors. The counter is not accessible for the wheelchair user. There is a spacious meeting room and, further down the corridor, there is an adapted toilet. There is a large lift in the artists’ zone. There are some accessible changing rooms but without adapted sanitary facilities: on +1 of the artists’ zone, there is an adapted toilet, but no adapted shower. The artists’ foyer and studios are easily accessible. The stage is accessible from the artists’ zone without steps. Access to the Café is predominantly via the entrance hall. The doors stand open. Visitors can also sit at the tables in the entrance hall. The Circuit is only partly accessible for wheelchair users.
De cultuurtempel aan ’t Zand valt op door zijn rode kleur en monolithische formaat. Je kan er ook verschillende kunstvormen ontdekken dankzij het Concertgebouw Circuit: een belevingsparcours dat je een unieke inkijk in de werking, de architectuur en de (klank)kunstcollectie van het gebouw geeft en brengt je op plekken waar je anders nooit komt.

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