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In het bezoekerscentrum Ferdinand Verbiest wordt het verhaal rond de Pittemse jezuïet pater Ferdinand Verbiest authentiek en hedendaags gebracht. Naast Ferdinand Verbiest is er ook een infopunt met toeristische informatie over Pittem, de regio en het Brugse Ommeland. Er is ook gratis een folder ter beschikking van het bezoekerscentrum.
The life of Ferdinand Verbiest, who was born in Pittem, is presented in a creative and contemporary way in this visitor centre. Verbiest was a missionary who went to China in the 17th century to work as a mathematician and astronomer at the court of the Chinese emperor. At the centre, you will not only learn about this famous Jesuit priest but also about the other tourist attractions of the town of Pittem and the Brugse Ommeland region near Bruges. The museum is open on weekdays and entry is free. It is also open on weekends during the high season.

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