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You can reach and see most of the texts and exhibited objects very well from the wheelchair (although the display cabinets are a little high). At the lower side of the tasting room there is a table that accommodates wheelchairs. The shop is also easily accessible.
De meeste teksten en tentoongestelde objecten kan je vanuit de rolstoel goed bereiken en zien (al zijn de vitrinekasten wat hoog). Aan de benedenzijde van de degustatieruimte is er een onderrijdbaar tablet. Ook de shop is goed toegankelijk. De circulatieruimte in het inkomsas is beperkt, maar met wat hulp bij het openhouden van de deuren lukt het zeker. Er is een onderrijdbare balie. De 4 expositieruimtes kan je via goede paden van buitenaf bereiken, maar staan ook in verbinding met elkaar. De historische vloeren liggen niet overal vlak. The circulation space in the entry hall is limited, but with some help with holding open the doors it will surely work out. There is a desk that accommodates wheelchairs. You can reach the 4 exposition spaces via good paths from outside, but they are also connected to each other. The historical floors are not smooth everywhere. Er is een goed aangepast toilet met voldoende ruimte en beugels. There is a neatly adapted toilet with sufficient space and grab rails.
In the family homestead on ‘de Molenberg’ in Blaasveld, the mill family Van Breedam family used to grind and distil grain to make jenever. This family tradition has passed down from generation to generation since 1637, until the last distillate flowed out of the kettles in 1914. Louis Van Breedam and his sister Anna left De Molenberg in 1872 and took over the Mechelen brewery, which had supplied the Groot Begijnhof and the city with beer since 1471. This started a new family tradition. In 2010, brewer-owner Charles Leclef started distilling the Golden Carolus Single Malt whisky from the malt mash of the Golden Carolus Tripel beer. Thus both family traditions - distilling and brewing - united in a new project: Stokerij De Molenberg. Find out more about this in this visitors’ centre. Stokerij De Molenberg will be closed for works until 9 September 2022.
Stokerij De Molenberg is gesloten vanwege verbouwingen. Er is nog geen datum voor heropening voorzien. 1

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